Thursday, April 26, 2012

Logical Fallacies

This blog post which was posted on the website RightWing News, is a clear cut example of Ad Hominem, and Generalization/Slippery Slope. Ad Hominem is a fallacy in which someone tries to make an argument, not based on examples, but rather by attacking a person or people instead. In this article, the author literally lists a negative aspect that someone can have, and then lists several "examples" of Democrats who supposedly have these views. The author in trying to claim that all Democrats are evil by listing these supposed examples, is also committing another fallacy, one of generalization/slippery slope. He claims that since these examples exist, and are in the Democratic party, that the entire party must have the same views. His claims of "racism" and prejudice by the Democratic members are also slippery slopes. For example, the author writes that in one speech, Obama revealed his true racism, since he said that his Grandmother was a "typical white person." In another example, he writes that Obama is a "monster" who enjoys the murder of innocents since he said he would not stop bombings in Afghanistan. The author claims that since he wouldn't stop, that he obviously wants these innocent people to die. 

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